Friday, December 2, 2011

Our first Thanksgiving in our New Home!

Keith and I are VERY fortunate that our parents get along so well.
In fact, people often ask me if my mom and Lisa are BFFs...hehe

This year it was decided that instead of running from one family's house to another,
it would be best to have Thanksgiving in one location.
That's right: Our house!

I must admit that I was EXTREMELY excited for this event!
While I opted out of making the turkey this year
(I didn't want people to have food poisoning after my first Thanksgiving),
I enjoyed buying things, cleaning (yes I said cleaning, can you believe it?!),
and preparing for this special day!

Opa & Maddy

Mom & Troy 

Keith & I made homemade mashed potatoes!
Here is Keith using his strong muscles to mash!

Did I mention we had 3 turkeys?! ha
One deep-fried by Steve, one baked by Lisa,
and one baked by Opa.
Believe it or not, we didn't have a ton of leftovers!
We must have been hun-gry!

Lisa and Keith

The flowers in the middle of the table were sent to me
via mail by my mama and Troy wishing us 
love and laughter on our first Thanksgiving in our new house!
So thoughtful!

Opa and Mom

Keith & Steve

Look at my fluffy little baby!
(Note: since this picture she has gotten her holiday haircut!
Thank goodness!)

This is my plate---WOAH BUDDY!

Trin & Jaida

Now adding me :)

Then adding Maddy!

After dinner everyone was FULL and TIRED!

My sisters :)
Nicole & Keri 

 Thanks to my family for making this the BEST Thanksgiving yet!
Cheers to many more!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time at your lovely home. I hope this becomes a tradition!
