Friday, May 4, 2012

It's almost time!

Last week,
I sent my friend Savannah
a card in the mail with this quote:

She was running her first marathon and I couldn't be more inspired
by her hard work and dedication to the sport of running.

Now, I am reading over this quote thinking,
"Wow...I have 1 day, 10 hours, and 7 minutes until
it's my turn!"

This week, I have tried to be in bed by 10:30 every night because
my plan is to be in bed by 10:30 on Saturday night.
However, my plan did not go as well as I had thought.
As soon as I would get into bed, I would start thinking
about why I was in bed this early. I would start getting 
super excited thinking about the race.

I thought about how the seed of running a marathon was planted in my head.
I remember being at our friends, Stephanie and TJ McGoldrick's house many years ago,
and seeing their bibs and medals framed in their living room.
They also framed pictures of themselves finishing the race,
and it inspired me.

I have also looked up to my friend Aimee Harrison for many different reasons,
but one of them being that she finished the Flying Pig Marathon.
Aimee is like an older sister that I never had, and I feel like we are alike in so many ways.
After she finished the race, I knew that I wanted to be like her and accomplish this same goal.

One problem, though, I NEVER NEVER EVER thought that I would be able to run 26.2 miles.
When Keith and I went to a concert in August, our friend's step mom was visiting with us,
and Keith mentioned to her that I had thought about a marathon.
After I finished giving Keith an evil death stare  (how dare he tell someone my secret?!),
I listened to her running tips and ideas that convinced me,
"I can do this."

So that is where my marathon journey began.

Savannah had told me that the emotions leading up to race day are similar to those prior to 
your wedding.  You are not necessarily nervous, but a blend of emotions.
She was totally right.
I am ready for the race to be here, but not ready for it to end either.

This is definitely not the end to my running 
(stay tuned for more exciting running news coming in a later post!),
but I do not think I will be running any more marathons after this.
(At least for awhile?!?!)
Someone said that training for a marathon is like a part-time job.
This is so true!
I would leave work and go run.
On the weekends, I would run. FOR HOURS.
I didn't know what to do with myself during the taper period 
when I only had to run for an hour on Sunday.
An hour? 
I haven't had a run like that in a LONG TIME.

I am posting tonight because tomorrow I will be busy preparing for race day, and I'm not sure how much blog time I will get.
I will be getting up early so that I can go to bed early tomorrow night.
I will be picking up my race bib--# 2531 baby!--in the afternoon.
Tomorrow night we are having our very own "Pig Out!" where guests are encouraged to bring
Nicole and I some carbs to munch on.
Speaking of my racing partner Nicole, I have a surprise in store for her tomorrow night too!

I am so thankful to all of the people who have given me helpful 
advice, encouragement, and support along this incredible journey. 
I have so many friends who have said they will be along the race route cheering me on,
and I am overwhelmed by their extreme kindness.

All I can say is,
I am one lucky girl.

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