Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Scary, and it isn't even Halloween yet.

Today, unfortunately, is day 3 of my cycle.
I didn't even cry this month as my monthly visitor
made her way back into my life.
I somehow feel like I am becoming desensitized from the whole situation.

Yesterday, I was able to speak with IRH
and told them that I want to be more aggressive with my treatment.

The poor nurse didn't know who she had on her hands today!
A sad, frustrated woman who is tired of doing the same old thing
each cycle, that's who.
The nurse said that if I want to be more aggressive the doctor will
probably have me do an HSG test.
I reminded her that I had that done in May.
She then said that the doc will probably 
start me on Clomid.
I then reminded her that I already was on that for 3 months.

I guess she could sense my frustration so she said,
"Come in tomorrow for a Day 3 scan and we'll go from there."
Thank you.
That's what I was wanting to hear!
I am continuously thankful for
my fighting spirit and that I don't take no for an answer.

The Day 3 scan went well.
I didn't have any follicles left over from my
previous cycle that were still stimulated,
so I was clear to begin a more aggressive 
This cycle I will do Femara days 3-7 of my cycle,
then Follistim shots in my stomach days 7-10.
I will go back in on Day 10 of my cycle (Oct. 15th)
to see when I will need to do the Ovidrel shot
and my next IUI.
So that's where we stand for now.
Another month with a hopeful heart.

I saw this and it made me giggle...

Let's hope Keith doesn't want to kill me by the end of all of this!
Wish us luck!

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