Thursday, October 3, 2013

Teaching isn't easy.

I will say it again,

It's a completely different world than when we grew up.
Students are not growing up with 
Full House and Family Matters like I did,
or Leave It To Beaver like the generation
before me.
The kids now are growing up watching violent
movies and video games.
They are coming to school angry.
Angrier than many adults I have seen
in my life.

Today this happened.

I hope and pray that the little student who did 
this gets the help they need.

Teaching isn't easy.


  1. Oooh maaaan, this post reminds me so much of my first 2 years teaching (also the 2 years I learned the most!). That student is lucky to have you, even on those really awful days.

  2. Teaching is not easy, I agree. I pray this child gets help too! Bless your heart and the kids in your class' heart for having to witness a meltdown like this.
