Friday, December 2, 2011

You may not know this about me, but... name is Tiffany Messer and I am a Thanksgiving lover.
I love, love, love EVERYTHING about this holiday!
I love the colors. I love the food. I love family getting together.
I love the desserts. I love the smell of the fall candles.
I love the books and poems I read to my class
(especially a story titled: A Turkey for Thanksgiving
by Eve Bunting). 
I love listening to the men talk about football.
I love savoring the last few days of my birthday month.

It makes me sad to walk into the stores after Halloween 
and see Christmas items everywhere.
I do not sing Christmas songs before Thanksgiving.
I do not like to talk about Christmas lists, decorations, or cards before Thanksgiving.
Where is all of the turkey love people?!?!

But I must say, the day after Thanksgiving I am in FULL CHRISTMAS MODE!!!
Happy after a successful Thanksgiving day, I woke up Friday morning singing Christmas carols!
I gleefully put away our fall items, and brought out the Christmas items.

Here's Keith hard at work shaping the tree.

Maddy did not like that I wasn't paying attention to her!
I snapped this picture of her jumping up on me,
trying to gain my attention.

So of course I had to take a tree-trimming break and snuggle with her!

Here is a picture of our fireplace
(notice the light up Snoopy, Amy?)

Here is a picture of our mantle so far.

Notice Maddy's stocking is turned to say this:
 We have never fed Maddy people food, 
and unfortunately after her dig through the Thanksgiving trash,
she had quite an upset stomach.
All.over.our.bed. (#2)

Hopefully by Christmas her stocking will say:

We still had more work to do, but it was time to call it a night.

'Tis the season bloggy friends!


  1. Reason #37593 why we are friends ... I am all about celebrating one holiday at a time and feel sorry for overshadowed Thanksgiving. I will admit to ordering our Christmas cards and completing a little online shopping pre-Turkey day, but Christmas music and decor are OFF limits until black Friday!

    Anyway, your tree looks fab! I so wish we lived closer so we could celebrate the holidays together. This is going to be such a magical season in your new house!

  2. I love the light up Snoopy!!! Your house looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL for Christmas!!
