Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lots of good news today!

This afternoon I had my day 10 ultrasound
to see if my follicles are responding to the injections.
I must admit I was a little nervous going into this appointment.
I had heard that with the injectable shots, a woman's body
can produce too many follicles and then the cycle has to
be canceled due to the high risk of too many multiple births.
No one dreams of being octomom, you know.

When I was on the femara, my body
would produce 2-3 follicles a month
(doctor's want anywhere from 1-3 follicles).
What if adding the injectable shots to the mix
made my ovaries go into over drive?!

Dr. S was my doctor today.
He first checked out the right side.
I had a follicle at 17 mm.
Now, let me tell you if I haven't told you before,
ever since I have been getting ultrasounds to monitor
my follicles since June,
my left side has ALWAYS been the dominate side.
The left side always produced bigger and more plentiful
follicles. I don't know why. That's just the way it is.
So I thought, "Wow! If the right side is 17mm,
I can't wait to see what the left side looks like!"

Dr. S went to the left side and surprisingly
there were 2 follicles, but they were much smaller
in size than the right side.

I was ecstatic!
Way to go right side!
Maybe the right side has all of the good eggs!
This month is different than all the months prior
and I am feeling more hopeful than ever!
I left there with instructions to do the Ovidrel trigger shot
on Wednesday, and the IUI is scheduled for Friday.
How perfect is that?!
Hellloooo 3 day weekend!
This is THE month.
I know it!

After I left the doctor,
I met my family at Chili Time to celebrate this guy:

That's right! Opa turns 79 today!
There are no words to describe how much
this man means to me!
All I can say is that he is truly a hero.

I wasn't able to snag a picture with him at the restaurant,
but I did get in a quick picture with 2 of my favorite girls.

After dinner, we all huddled together 
to cheer Jaida on at her cold and windy soccer game.
She once again entertained us with her 
cute, little ways.

Such a fabulous day and we're 
ready for more up ahead!

1 comment:

  1. I hope it worked and that you are pregnant! I have been praying for you!!!
