Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Weekend of Babes and Babies

We had a very eventful weekend!

Saturday began with me spending time with some babes at Delta Gamma Founder's Day.
I absolutely LOVE Founder's Day, and look forward to it every single year.

Here are some babes I spent the day with...



After an amazing lunch with those babes, I went home and cuddled with my baby...

Amanda, Mason, and Madelyn came by for a visit,
so I was able to visit with these babes and babies...

On Sunday, Lisa invited us over for lunch, and some more time with babes and babies!

(Mason liked climbing through the doggy door! Too funny!)

For dinner, we headed to my dad's house to celebrate my step mom, Tammy's, birthday and have some more baby time!
My brother Troy & His Son Tyler

 Tyler & Aunt Tif

What a fun weekend!
Now off to do report cards...
a teacher's job is never done!

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