Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hoppy Easter 2012

Easter is always one of my favorite holidays.
I love bunnies, spring weather, and getting a new dress for Easter.
I love the food, friendship, family, and fun!
I love the thought that the next time I will be off,
I love this holiday so much, I think I should have been off of school the day after!

Anywhoo, we had a busy Easter this year.
Keith and I got up early and went to German mass
with my Opa at Old St. Mary's Church downtown.
I have always attended mass with my Opa at this church,
but my attendance lately has been lacking due to my long runs on Sundays.

After church, all of the family came to our house for dinner.
I absolutely love how well our families get along,
and love that we can spend so much time together.

Here are some pics from the day:

Trin & Jaida opening their Easter baskets

The Moms

Blowing bubbles outside

Johnny and Nicole

Maddy & her Omi
Opa & Troy

I forgot to take pictures during the Easter egg hunt,
but it was quite hilarious!
I still think there are some eggs out in the yard
(sorry Keith--you will find those when you cut the grass!).

Hoppy Easter everyone!
The Messers

1 comment:

  1. You and Keith are the BEST hosts! Love that your families are able to celebrate the holidays together. :) Happy Easter!
