Friday, November 1, 2013

Another Doc Appointment & A Surprise Birthday Party!

After school today I had my Day 2 scan.
I met with Dr. S who seemed positive and
reminded me to give the medicine some time to work.
I will do my same routine as last month:
Femara starting tomorrow, follistim injectable meds
beginning cycle day 7, I will come in for a day 10
scan on November 9th and schedule the IUI from there.
Other than that,
nothing new to report.
Same old stuff. Different month.

What is exciting though, is that Keith and I
are on a secret mission tonight to surprise
our friend, Savannah.
Today's Savannah's 28th birthday,
and after some secret spy messages
with her husband, Kevin,
we have the weekend booked in Louisville.

I rushed home, called Savannah
to wish her a happy birthday
so that she wouldn't be suspicious
of why I'm not calling her,
packed our clothes
(I'm always a last minute packer!),
ran to Meijer to pick up my 
prescription of Femara,
and off we went with Maddy in tow.

On the way, we decided we were
hungry so we thought we'd drive
through McDonald's super
fast so that we could eat and drive.
Only problem is,
we stopped at the
I was giving Kev text updates
(hoping Savannah wouldn't see)
apologizing for our tardiness.

Around 9:30,
we quietly pulled into the drive way,
headlights off so that Savannah wouldn't see us,
and tip toed up the front steps.
We rang the door bell and of course
Maddy starts barking! SHHHH!

Savannah opened the door and was 
surprised to see her Cincinnati friends
standing on her porch.
It's one of my most favorite Savannah moments ever!
Holly joined us later in the evening,
and we stayed up until 4 in the morning chatting.
Even the boys were ready to go to bed before us!
That never happens.

Happy birthday to one of my favorite friends!
I hope this is one of your most favorite birthdays ever!
Can't wait to spend the weekend with you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this a birthday I will NEVER forget! I'm so thankful for our friendship!!
