Friday, May 10, 2013

Find arms that will hold you at your weakest.

Today was a day that I was excited for, but also dreaded at the same time.
Today was the day that Keith and I started our first round of testing
to see if we could figure out why this whole baby making thing 
isn't working out too swell for us.

Before heading to the hospital,
I told Keith that I wasn't sure what I wanted my goal
to be for today (I know--such a teacher, right?!).
I felt like I wanted the doctors to find something so that we could 
fix it, solve the problem, and be holding a bundle of joy in no time.
But at the same time, you never want to hear that something is wrong with know?!

Keith was up first today and we will find out his results
in 5 days 
(P.S.--This will be the longest 5 days EVER!).

Next up was yours truly.
The ultrasound was first and showed no problems.
I still couldn't decide if I was happy or sad about this.

Then, came the HSG test.
Ever since I found out I was having this test performed,
I youtubed and googled the heck out of this test.
I wanted to know exactly what to expect from
this oh-so-uncomfortable test.
Everything I read was right!
You know the saying,
"Quick and painless" ?
It's a pretty quick test, but definitely
not painless.
I hope to not have this test again
anytime soon.
Results from this test: everything normal.
Again, happy or sad about this?

After talking with Keith,
we have decided that we are happy with 
our results today.
It's nice to know that
nothing is wrong so hopefully
whatever is causing our roadblock can be fixed
with a few drugs 
(Clomid anyone?!).

After we got home, I gave Keith a quick
kiss and thanked him for being with me today.
As if I didn't know he was a keeper already,
he then said this,
"Of course. Today was important."
For some reason these quick two
sentences made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
So many times I have felt alone in this journey.
Not for Keith's lack of trying to understand,
it's just different for men and women.

Keith inspired today's quote:

I am truly grateful for my husband.
There have been many days that I thought
he would pack up and leave because my crazy
train was in town.  
He has seen me at my weakest, ugliest, and worst
yet loves me anyway.
We will get through this together.
It just takes time.



  1. I am so glad you have found a doctor that is taking a more proactive approach. I am also glad to hear that there are not any "structural" issues, moving forward, one positive step at a time. You can do this girl!! xoxo

  2. Although I hate that you are going through this crappy journey, I love that you are blogging the experience. You are an inspiration to so many and one day (soon!) you will be able to look back and realize there was a plan and reason behind this long wait for a precious baby Messer. Love ya friend! And that Keith? He's a keeper!
