Thursday, May 9, 2013

When life knocks you down...

When I began this blog,
I always thought that it would be full of
positive events happening in our lives.
I never expected that the terrible
events would show up on here too.
I tried not to post about the devastating events,
hoping that the storm would pass and 
life would be sunshine again soon.
But the storm has not passed,
and I'm not sure when it will.

As I mentioned earlier this week,
December began a much rougher road
for our little family than we ever expected.

On December 8th, I had a miscarriage.
There. I said it.
It's out.

Here it is May 9th,
and I am just now able to talk about it openly 
(without too many tears welling up in my eyes).
In the beginning, I didn't want to talk about it.
I was embarrassed. 
I was sad. 
No, no, no...WAY beyond sad.
I felt worthless. I felt unworthy. 
I felt alone.
I felt angry. I felt defeated.

After deciding to take the plunge into parenthood
in the spring of 2012, Keith and I were ecstatic
about what our future held.
Now, all I was left with was a few 
positive pregnancy tests but no pregnancy.

I was angry.
Angry at myself. Angry at the world.
Angry at parents who treat their children
poorly but continue to have more children.
I was angry at everyone who was able to get pregnant
so easily. 
I was angry at people who were already pregnant and were
parading their annoyingly cute
little baby bumps in front of me. 
I was angry at the 9, YES 9!,
women who were pregnant at work.
I was angry at the people who were telling me we were trying too hard.
I was angry at the people who said, "Be patient: your time will come."
I was angry at the people who didn't know what to say to console me,
so they said absurd things that just made me more mad.
Sometimes I just wanted to shout,
"Stop it! You don't know what this is like!"
But, then again, I was angry at people who didn't ask
how I was doing. Didn't they care?
I think I was just angry.

In the past, I would hear about people having
miscarriages, and honestly, I was naive.
I would think,
"Why are they so upset? They didn't even 
get a chance to know that ball of cells."
Karma is a bitch!
Now I get it. Now I understand it.
I hate that it took me going through
this to understand that it's not just a baby
that's being lost.
It's all of your hopes and dreams
fading away so quickly from you
in an instant.

Why bring this all up today?
Well, because tomorrow Keith and I go for 
our first round of testing.
Keith will have one test;
and I will have two:
 an ultrasound and an HSG test.

We never expected for life to take us down this path.
But, here we are.
And this is all I have to say...

Prayers for us tomorrow!



  1. Lots and lots and lots of prayers to you & Keith. I love ya, stay strong!!!

    1. Thank you Mandy! We appreciate the prayers. Love ya!

  2. You are a braver woman than me! Hugs and Prayers as always!!
