Sunday, May 12, 2013

My dog is awesome :)

Oh, Mother's Day.
The week day where life
throws in your face that 
motherhood was not in your cards this year.

I remember sitting at our kitchen table last year
while our family was over for Mother's Day,
smiling about the little secret that Keith
and I shared that we would soon be
expanding our family.
My thoughts were consumed with the
idea that next year I would join
the ranks of being honored on Mother's Day.
Never did I imagine that a year later I would be sitting here
with the same wish for next year's Mother's Day.
Depressing, I know.
(You are probably wondering when this blog
will ever turn positive again, right?!)
One day, my faithful followers.
One day.

Today has not been all bad, though
(due in part mostly to the fact that I have
avoided Facebook all day today).
I just didn't think I could handle 
pictures of moms and their toddlers,
pictures of moms with their newborns,
pictures of moms with their baby bumps,
or pictures of sonograms where a new
mom announces her pregnancy
(you all know- or know of -at least one person who
probably announced a pregnancy today!).
Emotionally, physically, mentally-
I just couldn't handle it today.

I do have to give a shout out
to two FABULOUS mothers
that I had the opportunity of spending the 
day with today.
Keith and I are blessed to have two of the
best moms in the world.
They are our biggest cheerleaders,
give us advice, comfort us in times of sorrow,
make us laugh at the crazy things they do,
think about us often,
and love us unconditionally
(even though we make it hard sometimes!).
Thank you for being you!

Final shout out to the girl I am a mommy to,
my dog Maddy!
She is not just my dog, she is my first child.
Love this little pup to pieces and I don't know
what I would do without her.

Maddy has inspired today's quote:

Happy Mother's Day to all of the 
amazing moms out there!
Maybe next year I will be celebrating with you.


  1. I love reading about your heart and your journey. Thanks for sharing. I have found blogging a great way to get my heart on paper - instead of battling inside me (in a totally different situation, I realize). I will be praying for you as you wait to find out results, and that God guides you to the next step. Desiring to be a mommy is a great gift, that's painful too, when the wait is long.

  2. Next year you WILL be celebrating this special day!!
