Thursday, May 30, 2013

This is what normal people do

Today, my friends,
I had to call the doctor again.
Two times this week!
I'm really not trying to be that annoying
patient that calls all the time.
Especially because I am a new patient
and that is probably even more annoying!

So, why did I call you ask?
Because...I am so confused!
Let me back track a little...

Disclaimer: There may be some TMI information to follow.
If you can't handle TMI, you may want to stop reading now. :)

So, on Saturday I started spotting.
This is nothing new for me.
I don't remember spotting being a part
of my life before birth control,
but it definitely is a part of my life now.
A large, annoying part of my life.

So, when I started spotting Saturday,
I was not really surprised.
By Tuesday, the spotting
had changed to more of a flow so
I contacted my doc and told her I started my period.
Hence, my post on Tuesday.
However, Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday,
there was barely anything.
Now, remember back to Tuesday's post
when I said that the doctor wanted me to start the Clomid on 
day 3 of my cycle?
Well, now I was perplexed because I wasn't sure if this was really my cycle or not?!
This type of activity down there was QUITE unusual for me.
Normally, it is a heavy, obnoxious flow.
I'm talking, severe, wake-me-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night,
make me want to pass out, cramps.
Flow that makes me think I'm going to have nothing left inside of me.
What was this light stuff???

When I woke up Thursday morning I was 100%
sure the heavy, obnoxious flow would return.
I took a pregnancy test just in case,
but that stupid thing was negative of course!

I thought I would let gravity set in and walk around 
for a bit (almost willing the period right out of me!).
By 10:00 or so, I couldn't take it any longer.
I called my doctor because I didn't want to screw 
anything up and take the Clomid when I wasn't supposed to.

When I talked to my doc 
(who returned my call rather quickly--
A+ from the teacher on that one!)
I apologized for bothering her once again this week.
Then, I asked her if the HSG test could have
messed with my cycle.
She said she had not heard of the HSG test
changing a cycle and said it sounded like it's just a really light cycle for me.
Maybe that HSG test did clear me out!
Will periods be like this from now on?!
I hope so!
I asked her, 
"Is this how normal people have periods?"
She laughed which made me happy for
interrupting her day once again this week.
She advised me to go ahead and take the Clomid today.
So here I go folks.
Tonight before bed that little white pill is mine.

On a happy note, my friend Savannah sent me
this in hopes of foreshadowing for my future.
For friends who don't know, I've already
decided that one day the nursery
will be designed with a giraffe theme.

Happy Thursday!

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