Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dirty 30s.

Tonight I celebrated over a decade of friendship
with these two birthday girls.

Meghan's birthday is August 31 and Anne's birthday is September 1st.
We always have to laugh that these two REALLY were
born in the same hospital and probably slept near each
other in the nursery.
Isn't it funny how friendships are meant to be?!

Dinner at Crave was delicious and drinks at Tin Roof
were definitely a blast
(except for the weirdo that came up to one of our
friends in the middle of the bar and wanted to play
rock, paper, scissors?!?!).

Happy Dirty 30 my dear friends!
I enjoy being the baby of this group!

1 comment:

  1. My friends are starting to turn 30 too! I have until May! Oh and rock paper scissors guy sounds like a creeper!
