Thursday, August 15, 2013

I refuse to sink.

Today my monthly visitor decided to once again rear her ugly head.
Can't she just go away for 9 months?!

I called to let the doctor's office know that today was cycle day 1,
but I also wanted to know the results of my most recent
AMH test.
It has been over a week and I still haven't heard anything.
When a nurse from the institute called me back,
she informed me that Dr. B was out of the country
and my file was in his mailbox waiting to be looked at.

I didn't want her to break any rules, but I wanted to know
my results, and I wanted to know NOW.

She reminded me that she was not a doctor,
but stated that my new results came back
at a level 0.70.
Not great, but I will take improvement!
She told me that she has seen patients
with much lower levels than this get pregnant,
so she had faith that they could help me too.

I got off of the phone feeling much more confident.
0.70 is by no means my ideal number,
but I'm hoping with supplements and 
a better diet of fruits and vegetables,
maybe I can up that number a little more!

This is a new cycle filled with new hopes and dreams.
I will begin taking the Femara on Saturday,
and then go for an ultrasound follow-up on August 23rd.

I will not give up.

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