Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ahoy Matey! It's a Pirate Paarrrrty!

Three years ago today, one of the best miracles came into the life of my friends
Christina and Joe Schorr:
Evan Michael Schorr was born.

It is hard to believe how fast 3 years have flown by,
but here we are celebrating his 3rd birthday.

When Christina asked me to help with the party,
I was so excited!
I absolutely love planning parties,
and miss my wedding planning days dearly!

Christina and I have been talking "pirates" for the past month
because Evan loves the pirate life!

Last Saturday, I got crafty and made these:

I also made a "Captain Evan's Treasure" sign that you will see later.

When Keith and I arrived, the "Captain" was still sleeping.
While he slept, Mommy and Daddy put this together for him.
He was so surprised when he woke up!

Here are some pics of the decorations.
I love how Christina framed pictures of Evan from this summer where he was in front of a real pirate ship,
and she also framed his birthday invitations.
Such a cute idea!

Below this sign, guests put their presents!

The stand up pirate is a pinata!
Christina also made cookies for party favors 
and placed them in a bag tied with a red ribbon.

The table for the feast
(by the time the party started, this table was full!)

My mother-in-law made this cake--
it is amazing!
The ship was made out of yellow cake,
while the ocean was made out of chocolate cake!
One of the masts said, "Happy birthday Evan".

Christina and I snapped a quick pic before the 
party began.
Notice we dressed appropriately and wore our pirate stripes!

This is when Evan woke up and saw his Pirate Island for the first time.
He screamed, "Aarrrgh!" :)

I was so excited to see this little pirate come through the door!

This is a pic of when Christina and Joe placed the candles on the cake.
Lisa made the cake so that the candles would come out of the cannon ball holes!
So creative!


Happy birthday Captain Evan!
Make a wish or walk the plank!

I decided to play with the settings on my phone,
so Melissa and I had to snap some pics together. :)

We are true hipsters now with our camera effects!

Love this!

Christina told Charlie that she had some items upstairs that he could dress up in.
Check out his outfits!

Before I left, I had to sneak a quick hug & kiss from my boyfriend.
I think I will be crushed when he finds a real girlfriend one day!

It was a fun night of paaarrrrtying, and we wish Evan the best 3rd birthday of all!

1 comment:

  1. The details of this party came together SO well! What a special little pirate! :)
