Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Salad Bowl of Things

Happy Monday!

Today I am writing you as one exhausted litte lady!
In my last post, I told you about my trip to the doctor.
Thursday I was feeling great with the new meds.

Friday was the worst!

I wanted to run after school, but did not have any energy.
I came home, took a hot bath, put on my pjs, and laid on the couch the rest of the evening.
Sounds like a pretty good night if I didn't feel like my arm was going to fall off from the Tetanus shot and my head hadn't been pounding.
Saturday was much of the same.
I have come to find out, that I am not very good at this thing called "resting."
I always feel like I need to be doing something, and feel guilty for laying in bed.
However, I did not have energy to move!

I had to wake up on Sunday morning at 5:45 because 7 of my colleagues and I were chosen to attend the National Reading Recovery Conference in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday and Monday.

I attended this conference last year and felt very inspired coming home.
I was hopeful that this year would bring the same inspirations because I am in desperate need of it this year more than ever.

Here are some pictures of us before our first keynote speaker, Gay Su Pinnell, author and researcher of

Katie & Me
(with matching Argyle sweaters)

Christina & Katie

Emily & Jen

Our first day of learning was a success!
My favorite session of the day was taught by a group of K-5 teachers who were discussing with us strategies for making non-fiction reading more enjoyable for our students.
I was very excited about the new strategies I learned...
especially since this week's text is nonfiction! Woohoo!

The only downfall of this conference is that it is scheduled over Superbowl Weekend every year.
This is the second year in a row that I have had to miss out on fun Superbowl parties, but oh well,
there will be more!
The crew and I ate at Boston's pizza where we watched the game until halftime
(Loved Madonna by the way!).
We also celebrated this girl's birthday!

Happy birthday Em!

After dinner, Christina, Katie, and I then went and saw Man on a Ledge.

Such a good movie! Better than what I expected.

Monday brought a day of conflict.
We listened to the very inspiring Tony Stead, who authored many books including

but I left feeling torn.  In my district, we are mandated to use a Reading Street core program.
Throughout Tony's lesson (which was fun to listen to because he was from Australia!)
he emphasized the importance of creativity and showing the students how to love learning.
I do not feel that a boring, mandated reading program creates a love for learning.
I am currently try to find a way to blend both methods.

That was my weekend.
What did you do?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tiff! It's Mick (formerly known to you as Mr. Meyer).
    I was surprised to see that you were reading the blog. I am happy to know two former students are married and doing well. You guys looks great! I wish you and your family all the best.
