Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy birthday, America!

July 4th in Cincy was not what we expected.
We wanted sunshine.
We wanted swimming pools.
We wanted barbeques and family.
We wanted fireworks.

Well, this July 4th was not what we expected.
At all.

We woke up to thunder booming and rain splashing.
So Keri and I thought,
well, why not dance in the rain? 
Or at least in a gym in the rain?

So we headed to a special, 4th of July, one hour and twenty minute (woah!)
 Zumba class.

Our usual class is 60 minutes long,
but we were ready to kick it up a notch
with the 80 minute class.
I know I have blogged about Zumba a little bit,
but I cannot get enough of this workout.
It has so many benefits like
burning 800-1,000 calories an hour,
reduces stress, tones muscles,
and it's fun!

By the end of the class,
we were dripping with sweat
but feeling great!

From there, it was a pretty uneventful day due to the weather.
Keith and I cleaned, napped,
and eventually drove up the street
to watch St.Bernard's firework show.

All in all, not an eventful day,
but I did find it rejuvenating.

I leave you with a picture Keith and I had 
taken last year for our 2nd wedding anniversary.
Keith is the biggest America lover I know,
so when we found this American flag flying,
I knew we had to capture this picture.

Happy birthday, America!


  1. I say one thing about being a Pittsburgh fan and you go and change you background really do love us, right?!

    I was a fan of the black, just sayin'

    Great pic of you and Keith!!

  2. I've just spent the past hour reading your blog! I felt like I was there with you through someof it. I love you my dear friend! I'm a phone call away or a short drive. Through ups and downs, God is paving the way for a grander road. This is what I tell myself ya!
