Monday, July 15, 2013

Such an Honor

For the past two years,
my teaching partner, Christina, and I
have attended the 
in Columbus, Ohio.
This conference provides classroom teachers, intervention specialists,
title teachers, and principals from all over the country time for professional
development in the areas of reading instruction.

Both years after the conference, Christina and I would
comment that we should submit paperwork to present
at the conference. Each year, though, we never followed through.

Until this year!

Back in February, I received an email about filling out an application
to present on a topic of my choice.
Not completely 100% sure I was ready to take the leap,
I forwarded the message to Christina who was on maternity leave
with beautiful baby Aubrey.
When I didn't hear back from her, the conference
kind of slipped my mind and other educational items
took over.

When Christina returned from maternity leave in March,
I remembered that I had sent her the email and asked
her thoughts.
She immediately said "Yes! We need to fill out the application."

While we were on spring break at the end of March,
Christina came to my house and we spent a few hours
coming up with a proposal and filling out the application.
Our proposal was titled,
"Fostering the Love of Learning Through Poetry."
Now, if you don't already know,
Christina and I are NUTTY about poetry.
We use poems to teach just about every concept
of our Common Core Curriculum.
We change our voices when we read the poems
and create motions to help our students remember the
At the end of every school year, we host
a poetry read to entertain the students' families 
with all of the fantastic poetry we have learned
throughout the school year.
We create themes every year like
"Welcome to our Poet-tree Read"
(forest themed)
and "Take Me Out to the Poetry Read"
(baseball themed).
This event is a hit every year for the staff, students,
and family members.

We submitted our application at the end of March,
but we were informed that we would not hear
if our proposal was accepted until July.

Flash forward to today.
I check my personal email today
and noticed that I have an email from
Ted Phillips.
"Who is Ted Phillips?"
I then read the subject:
"Your session has been accepted."
Session? What session?
This must be junk email.
As I go to hit delete,
something stops me.
Something in my gut told
me not to delete this email.

I decide to open it up,
fingers crossed that it isn't
an email with a virus
that is going to shut down my computer,
and read,
You are a National
Reading Recovery Presenter!"

Woah, what?
Did I read that right?

Thank goodness I didn't delete this email!
I quickly called Christina to give her the good news.

So there you have it folks,
February 2-4, 2014
you will find me in Columbus, OH
sharing my love of poetry
to teachers of all kinds!

Such an honor!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! You will definately have to share!!! I am all about anything that will make common core more fun to teach! :)
