Thursday, July 18, 2013

I am a fighter.

Some call it feisty, some call it spunky,
I just say "I'm a fighter."

Today was supposed to be an amazing day.
Today, Keith and I have been together 9 years.
9 years!
It honestly feels like it was just yesterday
that we were having a conversation about something
that had happened earlier in the day and 
he slipped it into our conversation that he was my "boyfriend."
Instead of arguing it, I embraced it.
Here we are 9 years later,
and I love him more and more every day.

So, why wouldn't today be the perfect day to celebrate a positive pregnancy test, right?
Well apparently, someone else thought differently.
I woke up this morning to my monthly friend.
How lovely...

I had already put a call in to my doctor's office yesterday since I was spotting.
I didn't think I was supposed to spot on the Clomid?
They said that she was not there, and that she would call me tomorrow.
Well, it's tomorrow and I still haven't heard from her.
When I still hadn't heard from her by 1:00, I decided to call her again.
She finally called me back at 3:30 (and they close at 4!).
Doesn't she know I am not a patient person?!

I must admit, I was not very happy with how our conversation went.
When I brought up the spotting, she said that must be how my cycle is--
I must just spot before my period.
(I didn't like this answer--every thing I have read on the internet
said that it should be a concern if you spot every month before your period.
And we all know that everything on the internet is TRUE. ;)   )

I also told her that I would like my progesterone tested this month.
She gave me some round about story about how she clinically
doesn't know how to test progesterone.

Then she made this comment (and Keith maybe thinks that I took her the wrong way)--
she said, "Call me when you're pregnant."
Excuse, me?! What?!
That could be in 2 months or 2 years...who knows?!
Well I must say I was LIVID after hearing this.

I came home and went straight to my computer.
I found the website for the Institute for Reproductive Health
in our area, and immediately called and left a message for a consultation.
I am done messing around, people!
Call it feisty, call it spunky, call it whatever you want--
if someone isn't helping me the way I want,
I am going to fight and find someone who can.

Now I will sit and wait for their phone call. :)
Until then, I downloaded a book (for 99 cents!) written by 
the Institute's doctors. 

I plan on blogging about some of the fun facts that I find.

In fun news for today, I leave for the beach tomorrow night,

so I am going to put all this stress behind me,
refill my prescription of Clomid,
and hope and pray that this cycle works.

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